Galleri® test

What is the Galleri test?

The Galleri® test looks at DNA in the blood to see if any of it may have come from cancer cells. DNA is the genetic code (a sort of instruction manual) found in cells. Although the Galleri test does not look at the genetic code itself, it looks at the pattern of other markers on the DNA to flag a possible cancer signal. 

If the test detects a cancer signal, the signal is examined to predict where in the body the cancer signal is coming from. In early research, the Galleri test has been found to detect more than 50 different types of cancer, including many of the cancers for which there are no national screening programmes, such as lung, pancreas or stomach cancers.

The Galleri test looks for a signal of cancer in a blood sample. If a signal is detected, the test predicts where int he body the cancer signal is likely to be coming from.

However, finding a cancer signal does not mean that a person definitely has cancer. It just means that they might have cancer, and that they will need to have some further tests to check.

Attending your usual cancer screening appointments

It is very important that you keep attending your usual cancer screening appointments when you are invited to do so. You should also make an appointment to talk to your GP if you notice any symptoms that are new or unusual for you.

The Galleri test is not currently available on the NHS or to buy in the UK. The test is only available in England as part of clinical trials.

Galleri is a registered trademark of GRAIL, Inc.

In the United States (US), the Galleri test is an Investigational Device and limited by Federal (or US) law to investigational use.

A description of this clinical trial is available on as required by US law. The website does not include information that can identify you. At most, the website will include a summary of the results. You can search this website at any time.